Oct 4, 2022Liked by Pat Garofalo

It is simply amazing to me how the media can just swallow economic development figures without questioning their origins.They also ignore basic economics by ignoring opportunity costs and negative spillover.Why does it take a lawsuit to examine data when it should be the medias job to do so?

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the media isn't really interested in doing their jobs - stories like these take more strategic and analytical thinking and those in broadcast media figure if the story can't be told in 90-120 seconds between commercials - then it isn't worth their time. Remember most of Print Media is owned by 4 corporations. Even local TV stations are owned by large conglomerates these days.

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Yes, the AJC is owned by Cox Media. They also own a large block of RIVIAN stock and their chairman also sits on the RIVIAN board. So you won’t find much of the truth about our struggles with the JDA, State, and Governor Brian Kemp there.

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So true!!! And we have leaned on the people we trusted, like Judge Brenda Trammel in this case, who acted perfectly in her judgement given mentioned here. What isn’t mentioned and is still a shock to ALL of us here, is this same Judge, has somehow been persuaded to come back and to “sign off” and “Validate” this same BOND, she had rightly refused to do, in the ruling being praised here. How Judge Trammel, how?

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Yeah, I saw that happened but haven't had time to dig into it yet. It's on the to-do list for sure.

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Can you believe this same judge has now signed off on the BOND here, Validating it and making it now untouchable by any laws or challenges! Judge Trammel please explain, How could you? Why would you? You know it’s wrong! 😢

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Money talks.You have a local citizens group challenging a Wall Street company and the entire state government economic development establishment.Guess who wins?

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

This Judge, who ruled so correctly on all the issues of this case, is well respected in Our Community.

We so appreciate her excellent findings here in our favor and against the JDA and the State.

At a Senate Oversight Committee Hearing, looking into the need for more Oversight of JDA’s, laws and rules that JDA members should adhere to. It was explained how some Rogue lawless JDA’S, use “get arounds” of our Constitution and its Anti- Gratuities Clause.

Judge Trammels ruling, in refusing to validate this bond on all those grounds, was correct by the law and the Constitution. We are so thankful for that!

What befuddles us now, is how did Judge Brenda Trammel, become the “ONE JUDGE” the State and JDA said they needed “to find” to sign off on this Bond, “Validating” ALL the wrongs her ruling spelled out for us, now all that dirty water has been “washed away” with the stroke of her pen. 💔

We are left disappointed once again, by one of those we trusted most and thought we could could count on, to stand strong with us on the truth and for what is right here. But we were wronged, once again.

All so many of us here in this community can do, is continue to fight with the truth and with God on our side. Truly if this Judge can sign off on all that she clearly knows is wrong with this “DONE DEAL” being forced on our RURAL COMMUNITY, this fight is up to us, and to us alone.

I would so appreciate an answer to my question here. It’s the same question I have asked of every politician, every Development Board member, every Co Commissioner, to all who have done this to us, when they know we are in the right!

Please tell me Judge Trammel, why and how they were able to convince you, to sign off on all their wrongdoings and leave our community no recourse, no one we can trust or put our faith in to help us, none except for GOD 🙌🏻

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