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I have been independently studying the corporate welfare system in Maine which came into being in 1976 when the Legislature deemed that centrally managing the economy is an essential government function which must be done by public-private relationships. (oligarchy)

After studying the statutes for many years so that I could see the netowrk through the parts, by total happenstance I came across the source legislation passed by the federal government in 1968 but I was never able to find anything more about it than the PDF file which will come up if you google The United States Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968, Public Law 90–577i. This act is designed to centrally manage the economy of the entire Union from the federal to the municipal level.and instructs the states to amend their Constitutions and municpalities their ordinances to conform to the federal agenda which uses wealth redistribution as its instrument of control.

In reading the acts of corporate welfare, I found that the Maine Legislature starts with a standard base of 50% of the companies capitalization costs paid by the taxpayers and all of this is justified as "job creation" though only a very few get the "quality jobs" so defined as a trade the State makes with the private company of X number of jobs at higher than average wages and benefits- which means while the corporation is tax exempt the State is bargaining for a quantifiable amount of income taxes paid by the workers. The workers seem like no more than pawns in the trading game played in the public-private relationship.

Since relative to the total taxpaying population, very few get the "quality jobs", it must be justified in part by the trickle down effect but there has been enough time to establish that there is no trickle down effect. The seventies is the decade when inflation rose like a steep wall dividing the haves and the have nots. That is when the great wealth divide started to increase and increase and increase.

I am really glad to have found this blog. You might also find the work of Jan D Weir, a trial lawyer who writes on Medium in the same vain and he always has a legiislative solution to suggest as well.

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